P R O T E I N - Part Three
If you want to dig deep into the protein debate here’s a food for thought …while I was researching about optimum protein utilisation, I stumbled across certain research papers, by Tarnopolsky(1988), Rennie & Tipton, 2000; Hartman, Moore & Phillips, 2006; Moore 2007), they all state that elite bodybuilders need even less protein than new ones. The more experienced you are the less protein you need for your upkeep. There’s a constant synthesising and breakdown of protein in the human body. Well….for those who don’t know what is synthesising and breakdown….here’s a crash course. (Protein synthesis is the process whereby biological cells g enerate new proteins , Protein catabolism i.e protein breakdown is the breakdown of proteins into amino acids and simple derivative compounds}. So to continue…. exercising c...