
Showing posts from 2017

F A T - Part Two

So enough of this philosophical bullshit. Let’s talk about the importance of fat and how it’s disadvantageous in higher proportions. Firstly fats are nutrients that give your energy. Fats have 9 calories in 1 gram .Fat is quiet essential for humans….it provides a cushion to our vital organs…acts as an insulator and helps maintain the body temperature. And hell yes! Makes food taste good…imagine those biryanis, burgers, hot dogs and bacons…without fat. That’s a world I don’t wanna live in.  And it helps us absorb fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K. Well fats can be categorised and sub categorised as saturated and unsaturated fat. 1.) Saturated Fats : This is also known as solid fat. This fat is mainly found in foods such as fat on meat, chicken skin, full fat dairy products, butter etc. Poultry and fish have less saturated fat than red meat. Saturated fat is also found in tropical oils such as coconut oil, palm oil and cocoa butter. Saturated fat can raise your chole...

F A T - Part one.

Hmmm…! Well we have discussed the importance of carbs and proteins in the past few articles….why should their estranged brother fat be left out. After all they belong to the same family macro nutrients. You know what …to be very frank I love fat. No matter what people say I just love it…especially in a woman. In the right places it makes them look ravishing. I love skinny women but I find the fat ones adorable.   We live in a society where being perfect is given utmost importance. They are always telling, you are not right. You have to improve different aspects of your lives before you are accepted as the perfectly operational cog of the social contraption. Well fuck them. They can’t tell us what’s perfect and what’s not. I think, I prefer a person to be fat rather than boring, obnoxious, snobby, jealous, and stupid. With a head weighing more than his IQ.  I would prefer a woman who‘s personality and brain gives me a hard on rather than a skinny who just understands kno...

P R O T E I N - Part Three

                   If you want to dig deep into the protein debate here’s a food for thought …while I was researching about optimum protein utilisation, I stumbled across certain research papers, by Tarnopolsky(1988), Rennie & Tipton, 2000; Hartman, Moore & Phillips, 2006; Moore 2007), they all state that elite bodybuilders need even less protein than new ones. The more experienced you are the less protein you need for your upkeep. There’s a constant synthesising and breakdown of protein in the human body. Well….for those who don’t know what is synthesising and breakdown….here’s a crash course. (Protein synthesis  is the process whereby biological cells  g enerate new proteins ,  Protein catabolism i.e protein breakdown is the breakdown of proteins into amino acids and simple derivative compounds}.                     So to continue…. exercising c...

P R O T E I N - Part Two

Now the point for major concern is how much should the protein consumption be and how frequent in a day’s meal should these be taken. Well protein ratios are set by bodybuilders as one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight spread across several meals throughout the day. Well these are one of the greatest myths circulating that have woven themselves so deep into the psych of people that it’s really hard to uproot. General thinking goes like. Your body can’t absorb more than 20 to 30 percent of protein you take in a single meal. If that would have been the case we humans would have died a long time back and would not have evolved as a superior specie. Before the modern humans arrived or the preservation techniques were known to mankind we ate what we killed and had to consume it before anybody else took it away. They ate it as much as they could and there body took its time to digest it. That’s how human body works. Furthermore, they’re saying that eating large amounts of protein ju...

P R O T E I N - Part One

                                                                        So lads and ladies, what the F**k are we going to discuss today, you guessed it right….the mother of all things sacred to bodybuilders…PROTEIN! Now what the f**k is protein anyways? Any high school graduate can blurt the definition out….a layman’s definition of protein would be, a substance that has amino acids, compounds with carbon, hydrogen ,oxygen, nitrogen and sometimes sulphur and is found in many of the shit one eats. Well they are one of the three Macro nutrients which your body needs. Well most of us are in a quandary about how much protein should we consume in order to live a healthy life and most important to build a drool worthy physique. And the poor vegetarians are like do I have to be a savage to indulge in bodybuildin...

Rendezvous with Nutrients

It’s summer and its killing me. I don’t ask for much I just want summer to end. I think I can speak for all of us ….daily chores seem tougher and running away into the night sky sometimes crosses my mind. The pressure of staying fit during these days adds to the heat. Already being subjected to such torture few of us still feel the need to crank it up a notch and go on dieting as well. Aren’t we missing on vital nutrients to beat the summer heat as it is ,we start humouring in Keto and Atkins  programmes too. Few of the impatient ones are like…''I am a week in to this programme and I don’t feel skinny''. I say to these Paris Hilton types, immigrate to Mogadishu and starve yourself to death. We are the ones to blame ….we are the ones who made summers hotter. When I was younger I  loved winters but I liked summers as well. I could be a kid in summers. Vacations and all, but now its a different story. Kids are not kids any more. Some exam prep time takes over the v...

Shut Up.

Hi, many of us during our tense moments turn to Google for answers…it’s like having an all knowing master. A guide a mentor who’s got all the answers to all the questions no matter how weird or stupid they may be. Apart from that, INTERNET satiates most of our fantasies and curiosities regarding human body. Be it the opposite sex or our own bodies for that matter. Fitness and bodybuilding being few of the most sought after things in the recent past. The questions which are asked frequently are …how to lose weight fast, how to gain muscles quickly, how to get ripped in three weeks, how to get six packs in a month and so on. The funny thing being, the time duration in which people expect to perform these miracles. In this lightning fast age people expect things to happen in a flash. Whose got time to spend years practising and giving oneself time when you can just cut things short, even if the procedure is disastrous on your body. All you...

1,2,3, Start.

For the past few weeks we have been discussing, what we call a healthy lifestyle! We have been through sleep routines, eating habits, when to take a dump and stuff.            Now say, you have decided to start a new fitness routine and become the person you always wanted to be. Instant questions that pop out are how to go about a fitness routine, when to work out and how many times a week. Last but not the least how rigorous exercise should be, duration and nutrition being primary concerns.      As I have always put forth the value of simplicity in previous articles, I will stick to the same. For a beginner half an hour to forty five minutes of exercise, five days a week would suffice. For seasoned people one hour of strenuous workout, three days a week would do. An average person should get at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity twice a week and strength training of same amount. Guide lines ...

You got no life, You got no style.

                     Yes! It’s me, must be like, “ not this grandpa again ”. Always giving sermons. Don’t do this, don’t do that. His words are as boring as his lifestyle. Well damn you! This is the conductor speaking and I know what I am talking about. I am not an accountant or an opera singer. I am a fitness instructor, a powerlifting coach and all I have done for the major portion of my adult life is follow strict fitness codes and maintained a robust physique. So when I say run you don’t ask me why?..just ask how far? I know fitness and will be a student, willing to learn more all my life. But the knowledge and fitness acquired over the years, tells me there’s something very, very wrong amongst the youngsters who think warming their beds even at eleven in the morning is healthy. If you are a single mother working two shifts and just had a day off, then it’s perfectly...

Hello Fitness

             While schooling oneself towards ultimate fitness a person should keep in mind that discipline and consistent effort is all he needs. Your body is smart, its highly adaptive in nature, treat it smartly and you can reap lifelong benefits from it. Show a little dedication and you will definitely see some amazing transformations. The fact is old school principals like you need to push and pull yourself at least a couple of hundred times makes sense. Anybody who can’t do a basic fifty push up set and couldn’t pull himself four times above the ground level, shouldn’t enrol himself in a gym. That’s the basic fitness level required to start pumping iron.              Getting some funky gym wear and a smart phone won’t be enough. And then, the false pride and unrealistic goal setting.              Most of them have goals like, “I want to get slim for my sister’s wedding, the de...